
发散思维(divergent thinking)是指从同一问题所提供的信息中产生众多新的信息,即从同一来源所提供的信息中产生各种各样方向不一的输出,并通过迁移的作用探索到未知的东西。作为创造性思维基本特征之一的发散性,由多个思维指向、多个目标、多个起点、多个思维程式、多个思维结果或方案组成的思维模式,它是一种取得一个或多个合理设想或猜想的思维模式。发散思维的敏捷性、应变性、广阔性和独特性,让发散思维者思想活泼,思路开阔,想象力丰富,善于发现,便于选择。因而发散思维在中学英语教学中的恰当训练和运用也就日趋重要了。
   英语教学中必须重视发散思维训练,培养学生的发散思维能力,以体现英语教学中学生是主体,老师是主导的原则,增强学生学习英语的主动性和自觉性,促进学生的个性发展和进行创造性学习,把英语学活、学好,同时发散思维品质也是教师自身保持教学思想以及学术思想青春活力的源泉之一。
   (一)可行性:
   l、英语知识(语音、词汇、语法)的广博和深厚,英语技能(听、说、读、写)的多样性变化,英语教材中丰富多彩的内容以及层出不穷的句型,给学生提供了进行发散、联想思维的坚实基础。 2、发散思维训练符合青少年学生思想活跃、思维敏捷、求知欲强,有一定的联想能力,勇于探索的心理特点和要求。         
 (二)语音教学与发散思维训练举例
 以同一个发音为发散思维点,将元音读音与字母读音联系起来:
   [ ei ]——A,H,J,K;
   [i:]——E,B,C,D,G,P,T,V;
   [ ai ]——I,Y;
   [ e ]——F,L,M,N,S,X,Z;
   [ju:/ u:]——O,U,W;
   [ ou ]——0;
   [a:]——R;
 (三)词汇教学与发散思维训练举例
 l、引导学生从‘一词多义”展开思维。以两个使用频率较高的单词‘time’’和‘haye”的一种用法和
 a)What’S the time?
 b)haye a good/hard tine
 C)in time Of peace/,tar
 d)several tines
 e)She iS near her ti匣e,
 f)ten tineS easier
 g)haye no tine t0 d0 sth
 h)The tineS are different,
 a)The pupilS haye tO gO tO school On SaturdayS and SundayS.
 b)The houSe has a few doors and windOWS,
 C)Would you haye a cup Of Coffee?
 d)We Will haye a good journey.
 e)She had a bad COld last Week.
 f)Let’S haye a try,
 g)The teachers are having an inportant置eeting now.
 h)I’11 haye a word With her,
 i)The enperor had nothing on.
 j)He WOHld haye hiS friend Wait for皿e at the statiOn gate,
 k)They had the light burnlng all night,
 1)I had皿y watch repaired yeSterday,
 2、从‘同义多形”展开联想。如:wear-~haye sth.on-+put on个dreSS—>be in等。
 3、从‘一词多配”展开,扩大学生单词词义和用法上的思维,使之印象深刻,记忆增强。如:take in,take out,take on,take off,take Up,take down,take away,
take back等。
 4、从前缀、后缀或合成构词展开思维。当学生单词量逐渐增多时,常见到许多前缀和后缀。当他们掌握了这些前缀和后缀本身的含义和用法后,教师可启发学生展开发散思维。如:“s—表示否定,以课本中出现的’“sappear’作为发散点,要求由此构词就有disclose,disconfort,diSCOVer,diSCoutage,disagree,diSallOW,diSbelieVe,diSlike,
diSplaCe,disapprove,disregard,disrepair,distepeCt,diSsatisfy等。合成词可由其中的某一词作为发散点进行构词。如:bookstore,ookshop,bookaark,bookworm,bookshelf, bookcase,booklist,bookcover等。
 (四)语法教学与发散思维训练举例
 在教学虚拟语气时,不妨在课本中挑出下面的例句,以此作为连锁假设的开头,引起学生的发散性思维: a)If l knew his telephone number,I WOUld ring hi皿Up,
 b)If l rang hi匝Up,he WOUld Cole t0 See蛆e, C)If he Cale tO See匪e,1 would ask hi皿to gO to the park, d)If l asked hi直to go to the park,he WOUld be Very glad
 tO. e)If he were glad to go to the park with皿e,we WOUld play
 badainton there. f)If we played badiinton on the lawn,the park—keeper might
 Come Up tO stop US, g)What COUld We dO if the park—keeper Came Up t0 stop US
 frol pl
aying 0n the lawn? h)If l had known his telephone number last Saturday,I
 WOUld haye rung hi皿Up to play badlinton with皿e in the park,
 (五)句子教学与发散思维训练 按‘一句多译’’的要求展开,可以引导学生思维的广阔性,让他们 尽力造出所能造出的句子,获得更多迁移的练习与经验。如: 他能说英语和法语。
 a)He can Speak both EngliSh and French.
 b)He can speak not only Eng 1ish but also French.
c)He can speak English,and French as well.
 d)He can speak English as well as French,
 e)He can speak French besides English.
 f)He can speak French,not to hention English.
 另外,按‘一句多型”来展开,如表达‘结果”意思的句型就有许多种,这就为展开发散思维提供了条件。
 a)The question is too difficult for us to answer,
 b)The questiOn isn’t easy enough for us t0 answer.
 C)The qUestion is so difficUlt that we can’t answer it,
 d)It is such a difficult question that we can’t answer it
 e)It is so difficult a question that we can’t answer it.
 f)It is too difficult a question that we can’t answer it.
 g)It is quite a difficult question so t
hat we aren’t able
 tO answer it.
 (六)教师要注意的方面
 1、上课前要精心备课,确定好进行发散思维训练的语言材料,设计好教学步骤,估计到学生思维的发散方向、深度和广度。
 2、课堂上首先要营造一个宽松的、和谐的氛围;同时,要充分利用学生的心理特点和非智力因素,采用各种方式、方法来点燃学生发散思维的火花,使学生爱想、会想、多想,提出富有启发性的问题以扩展学生的思路。在课堂控制上,要善于‘放”,善于‘收”,鼓励学生自由发言,肯定和保护学生发散思维的积极性;然而,每堂课的发散点不宜太多,且到高潮时适可而止,令学生言犹未尽,余味极浓,又为下次进行发散思维埋下火种。对发散思维训练过程中学生的语言错误,丝毫不要奇怪,因为学生的联想,也不可能完全正确,除及时纠正外,还要以充满信任的口气勉励学生‘再想一想”、 ‘换个角度再说说”、 ‘下次再来”等。
 以上浅淡了英语教学中的发散思维训练,希望引起各位英语教师足够重视它在培养创造型人才中的重要作用。